Monday, October 23, 2006

i know it's kind of old news by now but i know at least a few people are still going to ask me so i think it still applies: as far as we know, our condo is fine. the first guests to arrive at our hot tub party last sunday gave us the news that there had been a big earthquake in hawai'i - i jumped online and concluded, since the center was just off the west coast of the big island and the news didn't say anything about it, that they hadn't really noticed anything on o'ahu (where our place is) other than the power going out. so i returned to what was now an earthquake party. people asked me all week how the condo fared and i assured them nothing had happened on o'ahu. then i finally got around to checking surf buddy michael's 'blog last week, and after slogging thru the acres of youtube clips and arcane cocktail knowledge i finally learn that yes, indeed, michael - who lives one neighborhood away from us, in kaimuki - was woken up at 7 a.m. by an earthquake, and that even for someone who has gone through a few 'fun' tremors like mc, this one was kind of scary! i guess it just kept going... so our little concrete box on the sixth floor did get a shake! no one lives there when we're gone so after being assured by the building desk staff that everything is 'back to normal' at the kuhio village it remains to be seen if anything fell off a shelf and broke - we get there december 4 so i'll let you know. [kind of cosmic in my mind that in the week following the quake the waves started going off all over the island and my plane ticket to go back finally came through...]

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