Saturday, August 10, 2024

automatic poem 8/26/2023

Perhaps perchance 
They know too well: 
Are in for it, 
Not on your life. 
Stars fall, 
But not for me. 
Rather obscure 
Openings available 
In a split second. 
Heaven on earth 
Where art thou? 
The beat of your heart? 
Love it or leave it - 
Of course you do. 
Our course is charted, 
Lost in space. 
Ones own place 
Pours forth 
Through thick and thin 
And reappears, 
Shines down, 
Down and down 
Upon us all 
(Us and them 
To be honest). 
Let it be 
Us and we 
Know it all. 
They never saw it coming, 
Are in the dark, 
Happy together.

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