Sunday, April 26, 2009

i just updated the link for  " 'sCrunGE!' online: 2001-2006 "  under 'cliquey' in the right sidebar on this page ... i built my 'blog on a free, dorky msn groups page and even though i don't use it as an active 'blog anymore since i moved to blogger in '06, i had it lovingly organized and accessible as a time-capsule of that era.  then early this year i got an email from msn telling me they were closing down their groups service.  i kind of had to know it was going to happen at some point but i thought - i don't know, it IS msn ... anyway, so i followed their recommendation and 'migrated' my site over to a new free service called 'multiply.'  it took a few tries and a little coordination with their service staff but i finally got it done.  so now the old 'sCrunGE!' is still pretty much preserved - but it's a mess.  it's like they took a file cabinet full of carefully ordered documents and dumped them all into a box.  the new link i've provided gets you to the best starting point to explore my old musings [go all the way to the bottom of the page to click into more pages], and i'm trying to look on the bright side by appreciating how the experience is now much less linear, creating the opportunity to discover unexpected, forgotten, or previously overlooked gems from the mind of tom-A-hawk past ... enjoy.

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