Monday, April 16, 2007

e komo mai spring!  finally hit yesterday w/ temps in the high 60's, literal CROWDS of people on the trails around lake calhoun when i walked down there w/ seger, who is so very happy.  the feeling of lightness and elation grew today as i dusted + busted out my bike, got my taxes in the mail and cruized the DUDES in uptown.  took seger back to the sparkling lake where we both dipped our feet in the clear, cold water.  uptown hipsters were out in force on alt bikes, wispy mohawks and the like fluttering in the breeze of motion, wan hair finally breathing free after a cold season of confinement under quirky caps.  today is the day steve would usually be home from hawai'i to do his taxes, but he and his tax guy figured out a way to do them over the phone to allow him to stay and keep working on that awesome remodel job - so he can make some money to pay taxes on next year.  so we're sailing into a new era of tom-A-hawk solo.  spring has also brought renewed pangs of missing kdogg, but lo + behold i return from the lake to find a fresh spring mix from kdig hisself sprouting out of my mailbox!  [incl bole 2 harlem, the ponys, ghostland observatory, homeliss derelix, amadou + mariam, and illinois ... thanx K!!!]  as the world thaws magic is flowing, the bunny has returned to the garden and i am even somewhat overwhelmed by it all.  to celebrate and channel the mana, the traditional tax day party will go ahead in stevie + kdogg's honor: this time w/ kung + his boyz @ an open bar party tonite @ temple.  c u there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cheers! sounds like a good day for beers and pinchies in the back yard! how i miss those days... xoxo