Sunday, February 23, 2025

automatic poem 2/23/2025

I wonder - 

May I ask? 

Learn my lesson 

To your point? 

Live well, 

The overriding argument: 

Abundant blessings. 

Life, on earth 

I wander. 

May I join you? 

Enjoy you? 

A true story 

Close to my chest. 

Contact information. 

With a look, 

God walked. 

This is why 

Day breaks 

And it is so. 

Be advised, 

Glad to be here 

In agreement. 

It feels good.

Saturday, February 01, 2025

automatic drawing 1/20/2025


automatic poem 1/20/2025

That one time  I have a dream:  May flowers  Think positive.  Love what you do,  And so on.  Love conquers all  Will and testament.  Surround yourself, Me, myself, and I.  That alone  I want to know.  May the road rise to meet you!  Think clearly!  Health is wealth;  And may I add -  Health always finds a way,  Will find you.  Come along  To the ends of the earth Me hearties.